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dc.contributor.authorBELKHEIR, Boussad-
dc.description.abstractIn order to characterize the impact of NFACD (National Fund of Agricultural Control and Development) in the region of Tizi-Ouzou, 83 farms have been investigated while 10 other farms were evaluated for sustainability using the IDEA method (Farm Sustainability Indicators Method). The typological study performed using a factor analysis revealed four groups of farms: Small farms (5.97 ha on average UAA), the average farm size (an average UAA of 12 37 Ha), intermediate-sized farms (25.17 ha) with high renting of land (10.83 ha) and large farms (average UAA of 45 ha including 51% in irrigated). Aids granted to farmers through the NFACD have enabled to increase their milk production (69, 88%), livestock number (55, 42%), forage areas (6, 02%) and incomes (45, 02%). However, the perception of this grant due to the slow administrative accuses considerable delays. Also the feeding expenses are on average higher than the 74% of total expenses. The sustainability analysis has shown that best performances were recorded by the two scales agro-ecological and economic dimensions while socioterritorial one is a limit to the total sustainability. But these results remain to be discussed in view of the inadequacy of the assessment method that is weak in terms of relevance, accuracy of indicators and also the allocation of scores. The development of dairy cattle is inextricably linked to the intensification and diversification of fodder crops, which is impractical in the region of
dc.subjectDairy cattle, IDEA method, NFACD, Impact, Sustainability,
dc.titleImpact du Fond National de Régulation et de Développement Agricole (FNRDA) sur le développement durable du bovin laitier dans la wilaya de Tizi-Ouzoufr
Collection(s) :Département Productions Animales

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